
spDemography.stepping_stone_2d(d, rate, scale=True, timesteps=None)

Create a 2D stepping stone model, either for a single time step or for multiple time steps of deme size change.


Name Type Description Default
d numpy.ndarray The demography matrix representing the population sizes. required
rate float or numpy.ndarray The migration rate(s) between populations. If a float, it represents a constant migration rate for all populations. If a numpy.ndarray, it represents a migration matrix with shape (T, N, N), where N is the total number of populations and T is the number of time steps - 1, if T > 1. required
scale bool Whether to scale the migration rate matrix. Default is True. True
timesteps Union[int, List[int]] The list of timesteps representing the amount of time passing between each demographic event, in generations. If a single integer is provided, the function assumes that the time steps are equal. None


Type Description
msprime.Demography The constructed 2d stepping stone model as an msprime.Demography object.


The demography matrix d should have shape (n, m) or (k, n, m), where n is the number of rows and m is the number of columns for a 2D array and k is the number of layers in a 3D array. The migration rate matrix rate should have shape (N, N), where N is the total number of populations. If there are multiple time steps of population size change, the add_landscape_change function is called to modify the model accordingly.