
plot_landscape(demo, raster, timestep, cmap='viridis', legend=True, basemap=False)

Plots a static map of a transformed landscape at the timestep of your choice.


Name Type Description Default
demo spaceprime.spDemography The demographic model to plot. required
raster rasterio.DatasetReader The raster dataset used to create the demes matrix(es). required
timestep int The timestep to plot. required
cmap str The colormap to use. Defaults to “viridis”. 'viridis'
legend bool Whether to show the colorbar legend. Defaults to True. True
basemap bool Whether to add a basemap. Requires an internet connection. Defaults to False. False


Type Description
matplotlib.axes.Axes A plot of the transformed landscape.


Setting basemap=True requires an internet connection to download the basemap tiles. It may take some time to load the tiles depending on your internet speed. Since this function returns a matplotlib axes object, you can further modify the plot with the matplotlib library.