
raster_to_demes(raster, transformation='linear', max_local_size=1000, normalize=False, threshold=None, thresh_norm=False, inflection_point=0.5, slope=0.05)

Converts a raster to a 2D np.ndarray of deme sizes using either linear, threshold, or sigmoid transformation functions. For more detail about transformation functions, see this brief overview. Raster data should be continuous and positive. This function was created with the idea of taking in habitat suitability rasters scaled from 0 to 1, where 0 is no suitability and 1 is the highest suitability. However, it is flexible enough to accommodate other continuous rasters that can be coaxed to a 0 to 1 scale with the operation (data - np.min(data)) / (np.max(data) - np.min(data)) by setting the normalize flag to True.


Name Type Description Default
raster Union[np.ndarray, rasterio.DatasetReader] The input raster data. It can be a numpy array or a rasterio DatasetReader with one or more layers. required
transformation str The transformation function to be used. Options are “linear”, “threshold”, and “sigmoid”. Default is “linear”. 'linear'
max_local_size int The maximum local deme size. Default is 1000. 1000
normalize bool Whether to normalize the raster data. Use if your data is not scaled from 0-1. Default is False. False
threshold float The threshold value for the “threshold” transformation method. Default is None. None
thresh_norm bool Whether to normalize the local deme size based on the average suitability above the threshold. This is useful when comparing thresholded simulations with linear or sigmoid simulations, to maintain similar landscape-wide population sizes across max_local_size values. Default is False. False
inflection_point float The inflection point for the “sigmoid” transformation method. Default is 0.5. 0.5
slope float The slope value for the “sigmoid” transformation method. Default is 0.05. 0.05


Type Description
np.ndarray An ndarray of deme sizes.