Week 9: Secondary chromosome duplication in bacteria

Lab outline

  • Group project schedule

  • Group project data collection

  • Pivot tables in Excel

  • Worksheet overview

  • To-do for next week

Group project schedule

Project data collection

  • Start now!

  • It always takes longer than you think it will

  • Taking some time to plan will save a lot of time in the long run

Project data collection

  • How will I quantify my data?

  • What other measurements should I take that may be relevant to my study?

  • How will I structure my data collection spreadsheet?

  • Where will I perform data collection?

  • Do I need permission to access my data collection site?

  • What instruments do I need to collect my data?

Pivot tables in Excel

A pivot table (called a PivotTable in Excel) is a powerful data analysis tool to summarize large data sets and answer questions about the data.

  • Simple- drag-and-drop

  • Fast- time-efficient

  • Flexible- transform and group data, and perform advanced calculations

Create your own PivotTable

Worksheet overview


  • Upload Lab Worksheet and Excel spreadsheet to Blackboard by next lab (03/27)

  • Start data collection

  • Weekly lab survey is your ticket out (and attendance!)

  • Speaker questions before the end of class on Monday