
Mechanisms of antibody production

Dr. Bao Vuong

Research Background

Our immune system is complex network that involves the interaction cells, proteins, tissues, and organs to defend us against germs and microorganisms. At its core, the immune system functions by recognizing foreign substances (antigens) in the body and producing proteins (antibodies) to fight against them. There are a diverse set of mechanisms that allow the body to recognize antigens, and another diverse set of mechanisms to fight them.

In the featured study, Dr. Bao Vuong and colleagues seek to understand how a body fights antigens (Sible et al. (2023)). Different antigens require different antibodies to fight them. The different flavors of antibodies that are produced are known as Ig isotypes, where an isotype is a set of molecules that share certain features. The main Ig isotypes in mammals include:

They are generated through a genetic mechanism called class-switch recombination (CSR), which involves rearranging the DNA of the antibody in response to a trigger.

Antibodies are shape-shifting molecules that take on different forms for whatever they’re needed for.

If CSR gets disrupted, the body is unable to respond appropriately to antigens, which can lead to a host of problems, including immune-related diseases or an inability to respond to infections. Since CSR is a genetic mechanism, mutations on certain genes may lead to its disruption. This led Dr. Vuong and colleagues to investigate the impact of two genes, ATM and MSH2 on CSR. These two genes are suspected to influence immune function, but the mechanism is unknown. They investigated the genes’ impact on CSR by “knocking out” (removing) the two genes in mice. They monitored the production of an Ig isotype, IgG, in mice with and without the two genes. If ATM and MSH2 have an impact on CSR, the authors expect IgG to be higher in mice that have the the genes versus the mice that don’t.

Scientific Question

What is the impact of the ATM and MSH2 genes on class-switch recombination?


  1. Based on the background information and question, what is the authors’ hypothesis?

Scientific Data

individual_id genotype igG_ugmL
m0001 wt 724
m0002 wt 840
m0003 wt 1055
m0004 wt 1260
m0005 wt 1655
m0006 wt 2264
m0007 wt 2424
m0008 wt 2314
m0009 wt 3001
m0010 wt 4138
m0011 wt 4638
m0012 ko 103
m0013 ko 48
m0014 ko 10
m0015 ko 16
m0016 ko 114
m0017 ko 383

Table 1. Data used in the study. The ‘individual_id’ column is an identification code assigned to each mouse individual. The ‘genotype’ column indicates whether the mouse had the two genes (wt) or had the two genes knocked out (ko). ‘wt’ stands for wild-type, which is the name given to organisms with the genotype that occur most frequently in a natural population which, in this case, is positive for ATM and MSH2. The ‘igG_ugml’ column is the amount of igG isotype serum present in the individuals, with the units μg/mL.

  1. What are the two treatment groups?

Visualize the data

  1. Using the data in this week’s Excel spreadsheet, make a boxplot comparing igG_ugml between the two treatment groups. Paste a screenshot of the boxplot in the space below.

Interpret the data

  1. Based on the boxplot, does the data support the authors’ hypothesis?

Filtering data in Excel

This week you are learning about filtering your data! In many instances, you will need to only retain a subset of your data- maybe some observations failed or were corrupted, maybe you want to focus on the impact of two out of the three treatments you performed, or maybe you want to see which individual a particular measurement belongs to. Excel has many data filtering functions, but there are two workhorse functions that will get you a long way: XLOOKUP() and FILTER().


The XLOOKUP() function helps you to find things in a table or range of values by row. It works with the following logic:

That logic is contained in the arguments you pass into the function.

XLOOKUP(lookup_value, lookup_array, return_array, [if_not_found])

There are more options that add to the flexibility of the function, but these are the four most important arguments.

One use case is looking up the hit points (HP) of a particular Pokémon (here is the spreadsheet if you would like to follow along):

We’ll look for the HP of Caterpie! I went ahead and named a column E “Caterpie HP”. We’ll put the XLOOKUP() function in E2.

To start, specify “Caterpie” as the lookup_value.

Next, select the lookup_array you want to search the lookup_value for. In this case, it’s the Pokemon column.

Next, select the return_array you want to return a value from. Here, it’s Hit Points (HP) column.

Finally, just in case Caterpie isn’t in the Pokemon column, set “no_pokemon” as the [if_not_found] value.

Press Enter or Return and you should get the HP for Caterpie!

The Windows support page has a great video and text with more examples if you would like to dive deeper!


The FILTER() function allows you to return entire sections of a table that satisfy a condition, compared to XLOOKUP() which only returns single values. It works with the following logic:

That logic is contained in the arguments you pass into the function.

FILTER(array, include, [if_empty])

Let’s filter the Pokémon data to only include Pokémon with Combat Power (CP) greater than 100.

First, I added column names for the data that will be returned and added a special column and cell that provide the value we will filter the data by, CP minimum. The green box indicates where the formula will be entered.

You’ll select the entire table as the array, since you want all of the variables to be returned.

You’re going to filter based on the Combat Power (CP) column, so select that column for the include argument.

Next, you need to add your condition to the include argument. Since you want the CP to be above 100, you will use the greater-than sign (>), followed by your CP minimum value.

There are many different conditions you can specify, but three main conditions will get you a long way: >, <, and =. All three can be used with numeric data. Values on the left must be greater than, less than, or equal to the value on the right. Only the = condition can be used with character data. You can check if words, letters, phrases, etc. match the value on the right of the condition.

Finally, you need to provide a value to the [if_empty] argument to specify what value to put if the condition isn’t satisfied by any of the rows.

Press Enter/Return and you have a filtered table!

The Windows support page also has a great video and text with more examples for this function if you would like to dive deeper!

Excel exercise

This week, you will filter Dr. Vuong’s immunity data in this Excel spreadsheet. You need to complete two filtering tasks:

  1. You are interested in seeing if there are any data abnormalities in the wild-type (“wt”) individuals. Use the FILTER() function to return a new table with only the wild-type (“wt”) individuals.
  2. You remember that the “m0007” mouse was behaving abnormally during the experiment. You want to know if this odd behavior impacted its IgG serum amount. Use the XLOOKUP() function to return the igG_ugmL amount for the “m0007” individual.

Answer the following question about the data:

  1. Based on the IgG amount returned by XLOOKUP(), does it appear like the m0007 mouse’s behavior impacted its IgG serum amount? Why or why not?

After you’re finished, upload the workbook and the lab worksheet to Blackboard.


Sible, Emily, Mary Attaway, Giuseppe Fiorica, Genesis Michel, Jayanta Chaudhuri, and Bao Q. Vuong. 2023. “Ataxia Telangiectasia Mutated and MSH2 Control Blunt DNA End Joining in Ig Class Switch Recombination.” *The Journal of Immunology Author Choice* 210 (4): 369–76. <https://doi.org/10.4049/jimmunol.2200590>.

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