Week 7: Regulation of cone photoreceptor development

Lab outline

  • Project question feedback

  • Experimental design drafts

  • Data visualization

  • Making graphs in Excel

  • To-do for next week

Project question feedback

  • Groups who reported their questions last week get dibs

  • After the presentation, I will collect group responses

  • I will talk with groups about their choices

Experimental design drafts

You need to report:

  1. Your question
  2. Your hypothesis
  3. Your treatment groups and number of expected replicates per group
  4. Your control group (if conducting an experiment)
  5. Your study location(s)
  6. Time frame for data collection

Data Visualization


  • Single, continuous variable

  • Measurements like height, weight, temperature, etc.


  • Two continuous variables

  • x-axis (horizontal) is a dependent variable

  • y-axis (vertical) is an independent variable

Box and whisker plot

  • Grouped continuous variable

  • Groups are usually treatments you want to compare

  • Can have groups on x-axis and continuous variable on y-axis, or the other way around

Box and whisker plot

Bar plot

  • Discrete numerical or categorical variable

  • x-axis is discrete/categorical variable, y-axis is counts

Making graphs in Excel

Live demo

  1. Select the data you would like to plot
  2. Insert > Select chart
  3. Adjust/customize chart


  • Upload Lab Worksheet and Excel spreadsheet to Blackboard by next lab (03/13)

  • Have your draft experimental design ready for next lab

  • Weekly lab survey is your ticket out

  • Speaker questions before the end of class on Monday