Week 6: Butterflies in the rainforest

Lab outline

  • Experimental design

  • Sorting and concatenating data in Excel

  • Finalize questions

  • To-do for next week

Experimental design

Types of studies

  • Observational study

  • Experiment


  • What are your treatment groups?

Observational study: habitat patches, time of day, environmental conditions, location, etc.

Experiment: soil type, food nutrients, environmental conditions, etc.


  • What are your treatment groups?

  • What, if any, are your controls?

Observational studies generally do not have controls.

Experiments- these don’t receive the treatment.

  • e.g. no music, no wind, normal diet, etc.

Answering your hypothesis

When choosing treatments, think about what comparisons will answer your hypothesis.

Hypothesis: I think plants grow faster with jazz versus heavy metal

Treatments: jazz, heavy metal, classical, no music


They’re important to think about, but we’ll get to them next week.


  • Who’s going to collect the data?

  • When/where are you going to collect the data?

  • What resources do you need?

  • How long will data collection take?

  • What are other considerations that might impact data collection?

Sorting and concatenating data in Excel

Sorting data

Concatenating data

Finalize questions

  • You have time to discuss your ideas with me today

  • First come first serve

  • Write question ideas on the worksheet, Q8


  • Upload Lab Worksheet and Excel spreadsheet to Blackboard by next lab (03/06)

  • Have your finalized research question ready for next lab

  • Weekly lab survey is your ticket out

  • Speaker questions before the end of class on Monday