Week 4: Fruit flies in space

Lab outline

  • Data cleaning in Excel

  • Choosing a good question

  • Literature review

  • To-do for next week

Before we begin

Data cleaning in Excel

Create custom dictionaries

  • Data dictionaries help others, including future you, understand any codes, words, and abbreviations used during data collection

  • Custom spell check dictionaries help you prepare data for analysis

  • I will demonstrate how to create one for yourself!

Text to columns

February 15 2024
February 16 2024
February 17 2024

Text to columns

Day Month Year
15 February 2024
16 February 2024
17 February 2024

Text to columns

15 minutes for worksheets

Choosing a good question for lab projects

Components of a good question

  • Addresses a “big idea”

  • Specific

  • Something you find interesting

  • Feasible


  • Easy to observe or manipulate

  • Abundant

  • Squirrels, pigeons, ants, rats, birds, insects, trees, plants, etc


  • Behavior

  • Environmental influence on growth

  • Habitat preference

  • Influence of humans

  • These are just some ideas!


  • Who’s going to collect the data?

  • When/where are you going to collect the data?

  • What resources do you need?

  • How long will data collection take?

  • What are other considerations that might impact data collection?

Literature review

Where to find papers

Search strategy

Primary literature

Saving what you find

Citations and Bibliography

In text:

(Endlein et al. 2017)


  • Upload Lab Worksheet and Excel spreadsheet to Blackboard by next lab (02/28)

  • Have 2-5 potential research questions prepared for the next lab

    • At least 1 citation relevant to each question
  • Weekly lab survey is your ticket out

  • Speaker questions before the end of class on Monday