Week 3: Excel functions and project overview

Lab outline

  • Excel exercise

  • Group project overview

  • Group assignments

  • To-do for next week

Excel Formulas

  • Allow you to perform calculations

  • Can create new columns with those calculations

  • Arithmetic, string manipulation, complex stats

  • Functions make the possibilities almost endless

Excel demonstration

I’ll demonstrate the basics of how to write a function and two basic functions- SUM and AVERAGE

Time to practice

15 minutes to get started on the Excel exercises

Group projects

  • Ask your own questions

  • Design your own study

  • Collect your own data

  • Complete your own analysis

  • 20 minute presentation (17 min with 3 min questions)

Project components

More detail is available on Blackboard

  • Question

  • Hypothesis

  • Experimental/Study Design

  • Data Collection

  • Data Analysis

  • Interpreting Results


  • max 17 minutes with 3 minutes for questions

  • needs to contain Intro/background, methods, results, and discussion/conclusions

  • Each member needs to contribute roughly equally


In case you’re eager to get thinking about project ideas, here are a few guidelines

  1. The question must be biological
  2. No vertebrates if you’re manipulating organisms
  3. Get permission for private spaces or extraction
  4. No venomous or poisonous animals or plants
  5. At least 5 successful observations per treatment

Working in groups

  • Group members will have different strengths and weaknesses

  • Figure out effective workload splitting

  • Everyone evaluates work before turning in

  • Practice conflict resolution within groups

Group assignments

  • 3 people per group

  • Group assignments are on Blackboard

  • Get your group members’ contact info and start planning regular meetings


  • Upload lab worksheet and Excel spreadsheet to Blackboard before the next lab (02/21)

  • Coordinate with group members

  • Weekly lab survey is your ticket out

  • Speaker questions before the end of class on Monday