Week 10: Insect genetic diversity across the globe

Group project schedule

Lab outline

  • Descriptive statistics

  • Descriptive statistics in Excel

  • Worksheet overview

  • To-do for next week

Descriptive statistics

Describe and analyze a dataset’s main features and characteristics without making any generalizations or inferences to a larger population

  • Central tendency

  • Variability

Central tendency

Mean (aka average)- the sum of the values divided by the number of values

Median- the middle value in the data set


Standard deviation- how much variation a random variable is expected to have around its mean

Source: Dan Kernler, via Wikimedia Commons

Descriptive statistics in Excel

Worksheet overview


  • Upload Lab Worksheet and Excel spreadsheet to Blackboard by next lab (04/03)

  • Continue data collection

  • Weekly lab survey is your ticket out (and attendance!)

  • Speaker questions before the end of class on Monday