Week 2: Blood parasites in New World vultures

Lab outline

  • Pre-lab survey

  • Weekly feedback surveys

  • Speaker questions

  • Components of a research project

  • Lab worksheet overview

  • Excel exercise

Pre-lab survey

Take 10 minutes to complete the pre-lab survey on Blackboard

Weekly feedback and speaker Qs

Research project components

How to design a scientific research project- Dr. Callie Chappell

Research project components

Flow chart of research project. Source: https://www.calliechappell.com/blog/project-design

Research project components

  • The Idea

  • Develop a specific question

  • Define a specific, testable hypothesis

  • Design the experiment

  • Analyze the results

  • Develop a story

  • Present the work

The Idea

  • What is an interesting question?

  • Review the literature

  • Identify “the gap”

Develop a specific question

  • What system can I answer this question with?

  • Is there technology that can help me answer this question?

  • Are there colleagues interested in collaborating?

  • Do other people find this interesting?

Define a specific, testable hypothesis

  • Phrase it as an if, then statement. If X is true, then I expect Y.

  • Include a hypothesized direction of change

e.g. “If the theory of gravity is true, then I expect all released bowling balls to drop down instead of float up”

Hypotheses can evolve

Design the experiment

  • What data do I need to collect?

  • What treatment groups and controls do I need?

  • Is it feasible to conduct?

  • What statistical analyses are appropriate?

Dependent variable versus independent variables

Dependent variable

This variable responds to a change in another variable.

e.g. For the hypothesis “If lizards are sensitive to warming temperatures, then I expect lizards to be less abundant in areas that have experienced warming than those that have remained stable”, the dependent variable could be lizard abundance.

Independent variable

This variable isn’t impacted by the other variables you are measuring. You want to know if it influences the dependent variable.

e.g. An independent variable for the previous hypothesis would be the environment of the locations where the lizards are sampled- warming or stable

Analyze the results

  • Always visualize first!

  • Perform the stats you planned second

  • Initial analysis may lead you somewhere unexpected

Develop a story

  • What is the theme of your research?

  • How does every component fit around this theme?

  • Most ambiguous part of the process

Present your work

  • Poster, talk, manuscript

  • Posters or talks usually come before a manuscript

  • Will dive more into this later

Lab worksheet overview

Excel exercise overview

  • Navigating an Excel sheet

  • Selecting data

  • Filling data

  • Assignment


shift + ➡️

  • press shift and the right arrow at the same time


  • press ctrl if you have a Windows computer or cmd if you have a Mac


  • Upload lab worksheet and Excel spreadsheet to Blackboard before the next lab (01/14)

  • Weekly lab survey is your ticket out

  • Next week, no speaker- project overview!